Saturday, January 9, 2016

Star of Winter free hat pattern

Hey everyone!
Here's a free pattern for this hat:

It has been too long since my last pattern, now, hasn't it? Well, I've been busy with Christmas stuff, and anyone who knits will know how that is, and anyone who sells crafts will know even better.
Complaining aside, lookie what I got for Christmas:

                                            Get it on Amazon                                             And this one too

Lovely books. Would totally recommend them for any designer (although there are no specific garment patterns, they give ideas for garments and supply oodles of charts).
Anyhow, I put them to good use, and decided to make a hat for myself. I started with part of one of the patterns from Scandinavian Knitting, and from there I designed the rest. It worked out so well, I thought I'd write the pattern for it.

It is definitely my most ambitious stranded colorwork project, and my first time working color into the crown of the hat, but it was a ton of fun, and I think you might like it, too. Disclaimer, though--I haven't tested/troubleshooted this to a great extent, but I did go over it a couple of times, so hopefully everything is coherent.
Also, if you'd rather just buy the hat, you can get it here at my Etsy shop.

So here goes.

Winter Star Hat pattern
Click here to download .pdf
EDIT!! I am so sorry, but I miscounted. I'm not able to edit the pdf right now, I will as soon as I can. The edit is:
Option A: CO 110 sts, then increase 10 stitches after knitting ribbed brim. 120 sts remain. Continue as directed.
Option B: CO 120 sts. Continue as directed.
One size fits most teens/women.
NOTE: This hat fits me very well, it's a little on the biggish side, but not uncomfortably so... and I don't have a very big head. I have very good reason to believe it'll fit just about anybody. 

Size 3 16" circular needles
Optional: Size 2 16" circular needles
Set of size 3 double-point needles
Yarn needle for finishing
1 skein Lion Brand Heartland yarn in 113 Redwood (Main Color or MC)
1 skein Red Heart Soft Yarn in White
Or worsted weight yarn of your choice

24 stitches and 24 rows = 4 inches

NOTE: I do not have size 2 needles, so I used option A, which is to cast on a number of stitches for the brim, and then increase as I begin to knit the hat body. This makes up for not starting with smaller needles. Option B is for those of you who do have size 2 needles.
Work brim:
Option A:
On size 3 circ needle, CO 110 sts in main color. Work k1, p1 ribbing for 1 1/2 inches or desired length.
In MC, knit 1 round of hat body, increasing 10 sts around. 120 sts rem.
Option B:
On size 2 circ needle, CO 120 sts. Work k1, p1 ribbing for 1 1/2 inches or desired length. 
Work chart pattern:
Follow chart to knit hat body and decrease crown.
Kate Davies Designs has a great explanation of how to follow a chart like mine. In fact, it was her post that helped me figure out how to write it!

Break yarn, leaving a long tail. Thread through remaining stitches, and pull tight. Weave in ends.
Hope you like it! Let me know if you encounter any problems.



  1. Cute hat! Love how the star forms on the crown.
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks! I like it too. The star was actually kind of an accident... the stitch pattern just happened to be a multiple of 5.

  2. This looks really amazing. If I ever get my hands on the right sized needles I'll have to knit this up! I just started learning fair isle knitting.

  3. love your hat pattern! great job! thank you so much for sharing!

  4. love this hat pattern, but can you create a PDF for it that is easier to download? Thanks

    1. Good idea! I have now included a link to a .pdf file.

  5. This is beautiful! I Love the star on the top. I have yet to conquer stranded knitting (it always puckers like it just ate a whole lemon!) But this gives me all the more reason to learn.

    1. Thank you! I definitely had that problem with stranded knitting, too, and the only way to learn is to practice, practice, practice. I'm glad you like the pattern, and I hope that it all goes well for you!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Chart not accessible...?
