Saturday, September 5, 2015

My Garden Transformation

When I was younger I begged my parents to let me have a flower garden all for my own. Long story short, it went to heck after the first year. For one thing, I wasn't taking care of the garden at all after the first year. For another thing, I had a friend give me some plants from her garden. one of those plants is called Leafy spurge.
This is what it looks like

 This is what it can do.
So if you ever see it in your garden, remember this motto: PURGE THE SPURGE!
Of course when I planted it in my garden I had no idea it is one of the most noxious weeds in the country.
After about 3 years of not working on it at all, I decided that I needed to start completely over. Rather than try and weed out all the individual plants, I needed to rip everything out and start afresh. So I did.

I took out all the perennials I wanted to keep...
And the paver stones...
And then went over the whole thing with the mower, and then Round-up.
Then we tilled it, added more dirt, replaced and mulched the pavers. Of course I forgot to take pictures of those steps. Oh, well.
My garden today:

Bilbo is my little gardening buddy.
I'll post something going into more detail of the flowers I used (and where to get them!) at some point soon. For now, perhaps you can use this post as inspiration of sorts. No matter how ridiculously bad your garden is now, with hard work and determination you can make it into whatever place of beauty you want.

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